I don't think there is anytime of the day that my shepherd doesn't want to play ball. Hanging prominently by the back door is the squeaky ball and the chuck-it. It needs to be ready at a moment's notice for whenever we go out to play.
Emerald sits by the back door always ready. This morning I had to remind her it was still dark out and we had to wait to go out and play. I always try to peek outside and check if other animals are hanging out in the yard. Living in Sussex County you never know what animals you may encounter in your yard.
Once we see the coast is clear off she races in the yard to get her tennis ball. She is always racing after it loudly thundering through the yard. I thank heavens for the Chuck It. I could never throw it that far on my own. She is so happy running through the yard with her squeaky tennis ball in her mouth. I think Em sometimes just wants to bite on it so she can make that squeaky squeak noise.