There’s a lot of food around in most houses during the holiday season in conjunction with busy humans leads to and increase in the probability that your dog may grab a convenient snack. Termed counter surfing. You may be shocked when your well behaved dog does this but remember it happens when you aren’t paying attention to your fur baby. I lost a pie to a counter surfer on the eve of Thanksgiving. In addition to the loss of a homemade pie, we had to deal with a sick puppy on a holiday. This started what could have become a chronic problem. A few days later after the family had been out all day without our sweet dog, she took a sealed 5 lb bag of flour off the counter. Then after another few days she took pieces of our gingerbread house.
At one time, we had a counter surfing problem with the same dog the reason was a medical one, but typically the problem is boredom and lack of human attentiveness. I ruled that out and then began my quest how to stop this before it became a chronic problem.
Here are some articles to help if you are having counter surfing problems.